Forsyth County’s
4 Minute Community™ Program
Neighbors helping neighbors survive
Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Every second counts when Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) strikes, and the gap between survival and tragedy can be a matter of minutes. While first responders are vital, survival often depends on the actions of those nearby.
Forsyth County’s 4 Minute Community™ Program empowers citizens with the tools and training to bridge the gap between the moment of collapse and the arrival of professional help. By creating a network of Avive Connect AED®s and trained citizens, we’re building a safer, more proactive community—ensuring that when someone needs lifesaving help, there are caring neighbors ready to respond.

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Lifesaving impact of the 4 Minute Community™ in Forsyth County, GA.
The importance of early defibrillation.
historic survival rates of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Forsyth County.1
only 2% of cardiac arrest patients receive AED treatment before EMS arrives.2
when an AED is used for OHCA by a bystander prior to EMS arrival, survival rates jump to 53%
About the 4 Minute Community™.
Avive’s 4 Minute Community™ Program takes a new approach to increasing survival from out-of-hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrest by helping to bridge the gap in cardiac care during emergencies. Through widespread community training and strategic placement of Avive Connect AEDs - in neighborhoods and homes - 911 dispatchers can alert nearby citizens when and where their AED needs to be used. All with the goal of making a lifesaving shock from an AED available within 4 minutes of accepting the alert.
Goals of the 4 Minute Community™:

The CARE team.
The CARE (Cardiac Arrest Rapid Engagement) Team is a group of citizen volunteers strategically located across a community who are equipped with an Avive Connect AED®. CARE Team members are recruited in coordination with local First Responders, trained in CPR/AED use and volunteer response safety, and empowered to respond quickly when alerted to neighbor in need.