Preparing Your Church
to Use an AED

Your church, synagogue, mosque, or temple just purchased AEDs. Fantastic! Now what?

There’s more to ensuring your organization is prepared to save a life than the initial purchase of an AED. Once you have a device at your facility, preparation becomes the key to keeping your community safe from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) — especially since every second that goes by has a potential impact on whether the person will survive or not.

Are the staff and members of your congregation aware of where the AEDs are located and is there a plan in place (similar to a fire drill) in case someone goes into SCA at your facility? Is there a schedule or plan in place for keeping the AED machines properly maintained?

In many cases, the answer to both of these questions is, unfortunately, “no.” And oftentimes, a lack of preparation is the difference between a beloved community member still being alive or not.

The “save” story of Mark Sienkiewicz — who went into SCA at his church in south St. Louis County — is a great example of how preparation enables quick response and a much greater chance of survival!

So how can your church or faith-based organization be prepared to respond to Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

It’s quite simple. Follow these five simple steps, and your organization will be well on its way to keeping your staff, congregants, and visitors safe from SCA when they are at your facility!