City of Carrollton’s 4 Minute Community™ Program
Neighbors helping neighbors survive Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
The City of Carrollton's 4 Minute Community™ Program empowers citizens with the tools and training to bridge the gap in Sudden Cardiac Arrest care and deliver lifesaving intervention in an emergency before the arrival of professional help.
By creating a network of Avive Connect AED®s and trained citizens, we’re building a safer, more proactive community—ensuring that when someone needs lifesaving help, there are caring neighbors ready to respond. Join the Cardiac Arrest Rapid Engagement (CARE) team today.

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The importance of early defibrillation.
national average for survival rates from Sudden Cardiac Arrest.1
only 2% of cardiac arrest patients receive AED treatment before EMS arrives.2
when an AED is used for OHCA by a bystander prior to EMS arrival, survival rates jump to 53%
About the 4 Minute Community™.
Avive’s 4 Minute Community™ Program takes a new approach to increasing survival from out-of-hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrest by helping to bridge the gap in cardiac care during emergencies. Through widespread community training and strategic placement of Avive Connect AEDs - in neighborhoods and homes - 911 dispatchers can alert nearby citizens when and where their AED needs to be used. All with the goal of making a lifesaving shock from an AED available within 4 minutes of accepting the alert.
Goals of the 4 Minute Community™:

The CARE team.
The CARE (Cardiac Arrest Rapid Engagement) Team is a group of citizen volunteers strategically located across a community who are equipped with an Avive Connect AED®. CARE Team members are recruited in coordination with local First Responders, trained in CPR/AED use and volunteer response safety, and empowered to respond quickly when alerted to neighbor in need.