Avive’s 4 Minute Community™

Partnering with communities building excellence in Cardiac Arrest care.

The only Automated External Defibrillator (AED) integrated with 911 and the entire Chain of Survival. Leveraging breakthrough technology to help communities truly push the needle on Sudden Cardiac Arrest response.

Getting AEDs to the people who need them, faster.

Avive’s 4 Minute Communities strive to make an AED available within 4 minutes of collapse from Sudden Cardiac Arrest.


Only 2% of cardiac arrest victims receive AED treatment before EMS arrives.1

7 min

EMS response times average 7 minutes nationally and can reach up to 30 minutes for rural service areas, despite the best effort of first responders.2


of Sudden Cardiac Arrests occur in the home.3

The Impact of Early Defibrillation on Survival Rates in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests

This March 2025 report published in Resuscitation Plus spotlights the success of Avive’s 4 Minute Community™ Program in Cumberland County, PA. This represents a proof-of-concept for the potential of organized layperson citizen responders to help address low survival from OHCA through the deployment of Avive Connect AEDs in residential areas with trained citizen responders.

4 Minute Communities in action.

Cumberland County, PA

First life saved through Avive's 4 Minute Community™ program in Cumberland County.

“Standard AED implementation is much more of a black box in many instances. We don't get much information after the initial contact. Often even if it's EMS, that may get lost between the transition from EMS to the emergency room, ultimately to the cath lab or the ICU, and we don't get that information regularly. Avive and part of the magic of this process is that information is transmitted directly to the hospital and is readily available from the cloud, and we can have that information either at the time of the patient arrival, even before the patient's here to plan next steps.”

Christopher Leach, MD, FACC, FSCAI
Interventional Cardiologist Northside Hospital Heart Institute

Expediting time
to defibrillation.

If solving the problem of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) were as simple as putting AEDs out in the community - we’d have solved it by now. Over the last two decades, millions of new Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have been placed across the U.S., but survival rates have not improved.

The 4 Minute Community aims to break down historical barriers to survival by closing the critical gap between SCA and the arrival of first responders. Avive Connect AED®s are seamlessly integrated with 911 and strategically placed in the hands of everyday citizens throughout the community. When an emergency occurs nearby, the AED emits an audible alert and displays the exact location of the patient, empowering bystanders to take immediate action and provide life-saving care within the crucial first four minutes.

Proudly building safer communities.

We know that time saves lives. That's what's important. When someone calls 911, they expect someone to show up at their door almost immediately offering them assistance. And as much pride as we take in responding out quickly, we can't be there immediately. The Four Minute Community concept helps fill that gap from the first 911 call into the arrival of a public safety component, fire or EMS or law enforcement. By having AEDs in the community readily accessible to the public to be able to render aid to someone in need quickly, that helps fill that gap before public safety can arrive on scene.

Jason Shivers
Division Chief, Forsyth County Fire Department

AED utilization is low because many bystanders do not know where devices are located. Additionally, they are often unaware when emergencies occur nearby - this is where our new program partnering with Avive Solutions brings the Avive AED which helps to solve this problem. The Avive AED along with our partners at our [911] communication center can be dispatched directly to these emergencies. So when a bystander comes across somebody who's suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest, the AED can be activated from the dispatch center and be directed right to the scene of that emergency and provide care.

Colin Johnson
Deputy Chief of Lee County Emergency Medical Services

This new technology has the potential to help us when cardiac arrest patients arrive at our hospital to know more about what may have happened leading to their cardiac arrest. Today, when these patients arrive at the hospital, we often only get a verbal report about what people think happened before EMS arrival. This new system can provide real data from these cardiac arrest emergencies before EMS arrives on scene. Our doctors are very excited and feel this is a game-changer. They believe this will definitely be another tool to help save lives.

Dr. Jeffrey Marshall
Chief of Northside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute

Avive’s Intelligent Response™

Connecting the Chain of Survival.

A connected platform that bridges the gap between lifesaving technology and a community's system of cardiac arrest response.
  • In partnership with RapidSOS, Avive's Intelligent Response™ Platform powers the Avive Connect AEDs integration directly with greater than 90%+ of 911 call centers across the country.

AED(s) dispatched through 911.

Intelligent Response™ enables data sharing between 911 telecommunicators and Avive Connect AEDs.
  • 911 receives an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) call.
  • 911 telecommunicators alert a network of nearby Avive Connect AEDs through their RapidSOS portal.

Avive Connect AED(s) alerted.

Avive Connect AEDs receive a Nearby Emergency Alert notifying citizens that their device is needed.
  • Avive Connect AEDs nearby the emergency signal with a red screen and audible alarm.
  • Nearby emergency alert provides both waking and driving navigation instructions to the rescuer
  • Device owners also receive a Nearby Emergency SMS text message, letting them know their Avive Connect AED is needed nearby.

Citizen responds.

Once the Nearby Emergency Alert is accepted, the Avive Connect AED® shows a map with the location of the emergency.
  • 911 telecommunicators can see which nearby AEDs have accepted the alert.
  • The Avive Connect AED® displays a QR Code that provides the user with directions in Google or Apple Maps.

Step-by-step emergency guidance.

The Avive Connect AED offers clear audio and visual instructions to guide the user through the emergency.
  • Audio and visual instructions with motion graphics walk the user through every step of the rescue attempt.
  • CPR guidance and a compression metronome helps users maintain proper CPR quality in line with international standards for CPR.
  • During the emergency, 911 telecommunicators have continuous insight into what's happening on scene, including what step the user is on while using the AED, the most recent heart rhythm analysis, and more.

Rapid access to incident data.

Upon arrival, first responders can rapidly access clinical incident data from the Avive Connect AED®.
  • After the Avive Connect AED® is powered off, post-use incident data is made available on-screen via a QR Code and unique Incident ID.
  • First responders can easily share the full ECG Incident Report with receiving hospitals

More informed patient care.

Downstream healthcare providers can access cardiac arrest incident data from the Avive Connect AED®, even before the patient arrives at the hospital.
  • Medical providers can rapidly access clinical data from the Avive Connect AED® via the REALConnect platform, even before the patient arrives
  • Swift access to cardiac arrest incident data from an AED can help inform treatment decisions.

The CARE team.

The CARE (Cardiac Arrest Rapid Engagement) Team is a group of citizen volunteers strategically located across a community who are equipped with an Avive Connect AED®. CARE Team members are recruited in coordination with local First Responders, trained in CPR/AED use and volunteer response safety, and empowered to respond quickly when alerted to neighbors in need.