
Avive Making Headlines

When someone calls 911 to report a sudden cardiac arrest, the 911 dispatcher can launch an “Avive” button.

Avive AEDs near the person experiencing the medical emergency will light up and display a map, leading a user to the patient.

Avive is named a promising company in “Cardiac and Vascular Disorder Startups 2023” included in a list of over 65 companies across the globe.

911 operators could alert nearby Connect AED holders to respond to a cardiac arrest,

saving time and possibly someone's life

Avive makes automated external defibrillators (AED) that can be stored in such places as offices, homes and public areas, allowing quicker deployment of the machines.

FDA approved the Avive Connect AED

boasting cellular, WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth connectivity, the device maker said.

This tiny defibrillator turns your neighborhood into a communal ER

To improve survival rates, the Avive Connect AED was designed for easy placement in a variety of locations, optimized for maximum connectivity, and extensively tested for ease-of-use.

Avive Solutions, Inc., has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pre-market approval (PMA) - the agency’s highest level of approval.

“You need to make sure that there is an accessible AED that is not locked in the nurse’s office or in some back office”

…a 4 Minute City… “This initiative will have a direct impact on increasing the survival rates of cardiac arrest, sparing many families from a lifetime of heartache.”

“We feel very blessed,” his father said, “Between the CPR and the AED - that saved his life.”