Case Study | Peachtree City, GA

Uncompromised Excellence: City of Peachtree City, GA Modernizes Emergency Response with Avive’s Connected AEDs — Life Already Saved

In a cardiac arrest emergency, every second counts, and law enforcement plays a critical yet often underutilized role in the Chain of Survival. The City of Peachtree City, GA, recognized this when they equipped their 15 patrol vehicles with Avive Connect AED®s. In April 2024, a patrol officer rushed to an unresponsive man on a golf cart path. He deployed his AED, delivering a life-saving shock while Fire & EMS were still on their way. The patient survived, thanks to early defibrillation and the swift actions of law enforcement. 

April, 2024
Peachtree City, GA
AED Source
Peachtree Police Department
“Law enforcement officers typically get there before medics. Those two or three minutes are very, very critical.”
Sergeant Keith Isaac
Peachtree City, GA
amount of AEDs in City of Peachtree
from activation to pads placed
from pads placed to shock delivered

The Impact of Early Defibrillation on Survival Rates in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests

This March 2025 report published in Resuscitation Plus spotlights the success of Avive’s 4 Minute Community™ Program in Cumberland County, PA. This represents a proof-of-concept for the potential of organized layperson citizen responders to help address low survival from OHCA through the deployment of Avive Connect AEDs in residential areas with trained citizen responders.

4 Minutes to Life

Peachtree City police sergeant’s response saves local community member.

On April 24th, 2024, Sergeant Keith Isaac began his morning shift a little earlier than usual, gathering his gear and Avive Connect AED® as he loaded his patrol vehicle. Shortly after getting on the road, he was dispatched to a nearby emergency involving an unresponsive man on the side of a golf cart path. With limited details, Sgt. Isaac quickly arrived at the scene within a few minutes of the initial 911 call. There, he found a group of runners who had discovered the patient and were performing chest compressions.

Sgt. Isaac grabbed his AED and swiftly assessed the situation. He activated the device, placing pads on the patient as it analyzed their rhythm and delivered a lifesaving shock. He followed device instructions and continued compressions while Fire & EMS were en route. Medics arrived five minutes later, took over patient care and initiated transport for subsequent treatment. Bystander intervention and compressions, early defibrillation by Sgt. Isaac, and the efforts of medics and quick transport all came together on this day to contribute to saving a life.

When it comes to Sudden Cardiac Arrests (SCA), time is tissue: every minute without compressions and defibrillation reduces a person’s chance of survival. Law enforcement officers are a powerful resource who are often closest to the scene and already out on the road, playing a crucial role in bridging the gap between a collapse and the arrival of EMS for subsequent care.

The timeline

Police officers are often an underutilized but vital resource in emergency medical response.

When it comes to sudden cardiac arrests (SCA), time is tissue: every minute without compressions and defibrillation reduces a person’s chance of survival. Police officers, often the first responders, play a crucial role in bridging the gap between a collapse and the arrival of EMS for subsequent care.

While Sgt. Isaac was the first to arrive and initiate defibrillation, the chain of survival for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests involves many factors, personnel, and precise timing. Thanks to Sgt. Isaac's swift actions, the efforts of those involved in AED procurement, deployment, and emergency response, as well as the healthcare professionals who took over, the patient survived.

“My vision for my employees and everybody is Uncompromised Excellence in everything we do. We’re going to get to you fast and the equipment we have, including the AEDs…we want it to be the best so that you have the best chance of surviving if something did happen to you.”

Justin Strickland
Peachtree City Manager