REALConnect Software 9.0 Update

Protect device settings with a fleet-wide PIN Code.

July 30, 2024

What’s Changed

The REALConnect™ 9.0 software release allows platform Administrators to set a PIN Code for their fleet of Avive Connect AED®s. When enabled, a 6-digit PIN Code must be entered on the screen of the device before any device Settings can be changed, such as Wi-Fi network, Power Mode, etc. Enabling a PIN Code is a good way to ensure device settings aren’t changed without authorization.

New Features

  • PIN Code Settings: REALConnect Administrators now have the ability to set an Organization-wide PIN Code. When set, this will require that a user enter a 6-digit numeric code on their Connect screen prior to modifying any settings on the device.

Who’s Impacted

All existing customers with an active REALConnect Services Subscription have the ability to set and enable a PIN Code for their Avive Connect AEDs (if desired). Only REALConnect users with Administrator permissions can set, update, or remove a PIN Code across their Organization.

Why You’d Use It

Avive’s PIN Code Settings offer an added level of security for owners to manage the settings across their fleet of Avive Connect AEDs. This feature is particularly useful for Organizations that have devices stationed in public spaces and want to prevent against device settings being changed without authorization.

Explore Help Center Resources

How do I enable PIN Code Settings for my Avive Connect AED(s)?