Avive Hires Carly Jackson as Public Access Defibrillator Specialist

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – (April 9, 2021) – Avive Solutions, Inc., a leading developer of a next-generation Automated External Defibrillator (“AED”), announced that Carly Jackson has joined the Company as a Public Access Defibrillator Specialist.
Carly comes to Avive with a wealth of experience in the AED industry. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a passion for cardiac arrest survival, which she combines with extensive knowledge of AED distribution and sales. After beginning as a CPR & AED instructor almost a decade ago, Carly began working in AED sales and eventually managed the AED division of a Canadian-based distribution company. She has held the position of Director of Distribution while also championing public awareness campaigns dedicated to educating the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the importance of AEDs. Carly has played an integral role in creating two nonprofit organizations dedicated to placing AEDs in communities, as well as spearheading the development of startup companies in the field of AED accessories and remote AED monitoring. Most recently, she worked as a Medical Device Consultant where she worked closely with multiple AED distributors and manufacturers.
Avive is delighted to welcome Carly to the team! Regarding her new role, Carly shared,

“I am thrilled to be joining the team at Avive and am even more excited to help bring this next-generation AED & lifesaving response system into homes & businesses for all. If this past year has taught us anything, it is that we don’t necessarily have control over our health. Now, more than ever, it is critical that a robust solution be brought to the market to address Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), our nation’s number one killer, in its entirety. It is time to save more lives.”
Avive was founded with the mission of significantly increasing the dismal survival rates from SCA, which is sudden death caused by malfunction in the heart’s electrical system. SCA accounts for over 350,000 out-of-hospital deaths per year in the United States alone. It is the leading cause of death of people over age 40 and the leading cause of death for student-athletes. While Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) can help to “buy time,” a person in SCA must ultimately receive a high-energy defibrillation shock delivered from an AED to survive. Immediate treatment is crucial, as every minute that a person goes without receiving a defibrillation shock reduces their chances of survival by 7-10%.
“I am thrilled to add Carly to our team and learn from her vast experience in the AED industry,” states Micah Bongberg, VP of Commercialization at Avive. “Few people have the level of knowledge and experience helping customers select the best lifesaving product for their needs as Carly. We know she’s going to help Avive further our mission of reducing unnecessary death due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest.”
About Avive Solutions, Inc.
Avive Solutions is a new kind of AED company. We are revolutionizing Sudden Cardiac Arrest response with our innovative platform that brings together a 21st-century AED device and first-of-its-kind software solutions. With our award-winning product, the Avive Connect AED, we are the first new company to bring an AED to market in the U.S. in nearly 20 years. Focused on portability, accessibility and connectivity, the Avive Connect AED is one of the most advanced products in the industry. Additionally, our software solutions not only make owning and managing AEDs simple, they also deliver a comprehensive cardiac arrest response solution to communities with the goal of increasing bystander intervention, decreasing time-to-defibrillation, and getting valuable data to the people who need it, when they need it. Founded in 2017, we are on a mission to empower bystanders, first responders, and 911 telecommunicators to provide lifesaving care as quickly and easily as possible. Our versatile platform is designed to meet the needs of all types of industries – schools, gyms, places of worship, any size business and even your home. Join us on our mission to save lives and learn more at https://avive.life/.