5 Ways EMS Providers can Find Support

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Throughout the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, neighborhoods and cities across the world joined in to applaud  their essential workers in unison at the same time every evening. As the pandemic continued into the fall and winter months of 2020, the nightly applause lessened, all while the efforts of the essential workers continued to push forward. Many essential workers experienced risks of exposure, staffing shortages, infecting others, PPE supply, and more difficulties, which understandably weighed heavily on individuals who work on the frontlines, particularly EMS providers.

According to the 2023 EMS Trends Report, “mental health concerns” were among the top five reasons why EMS survey respondents shared that they were planning to leave their current employer. Sandwiched among other important reasons such as “wages & benefits” and “schedule & hours”, the growing standard for improved mental health and need for resources stands out as a very important factor to first responders.

Let’s Help Those Who Go the Extra Mile

With immense gratitude for our friends and everyone working in EMS, we have assembled a list of information and resources where EMS providers can find support.

5 Ways EMS Providers can Find Support
  • Code Green Campaign is a first responder oriented mental health advocacy and education organization. They have compiled a list of mental health resources including crisis hotlines, texting resources, treatment options, blogs/podcasts, books, and more with a particular focus on frontline workers. Code Green Campaign also offers education, classes, and a platform for emergency services providers to share stories. 
  • Safe Call Now is a 24/7 help line staffed by first responders and their family members to assist providers with treatment options who are suffering mental health, substance abuse, or personal challenges. The help line can be reached at 206-459-3020. 
  • Learn about resilience. Resilience does not mean that EMS providers are invincible. They are human, just like the patients they serve, and are susceptible to the inevitable twists and turns that life brings. Resilience embraces the reality of challenges while developing the tools and mindset to weather those challenges.
  • Professional guidance from therapists or psychologists is not just for folks in crisis but helps EMS providers cultivate good mental health. When looking for a mental health provider, it is essential to find someone who you connect with. Ways to find a therapist or psychologist include searching in the American Psychology Association directory and finding someone who’s bio/website you connect with. You can also schedule free initial phone consultations to ask questions, evaluate if the provider is a good fit, and see if they have worked with people in your situation. If you are comfortable asking friends or colleagues, you can also ask for referrals. See if your EMS service offers an employee assistance program (EAP)  that includes mental health counselling. EAP treatment is often short-term and finding treatment through your insurance plan via the APA directory is worthwhile. Providers who request payment out-of-pocket frequently will offer a sliding scale based on your financial situation. Remember that mental health counseling and treatment is protected by HIPPA.
  • Support networks – whether among coworkers, family, friends, national organizations, or online communities – are a valuable resource when it comes to finding navigating trauma and mental health challenges. It can be easy to retreat in moments of hardship, but reaching out to and strengthening your network can provide key assistance during difficult times.

If you are having thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255(TALK).