How to Buy an
AED for Businesses

AHA Step 1: Get Medical Oversight

Do you need this step?  Yes (but it’s easy!)


While many states still require physician oversight and ongoing “medical direction,” the trend has been for the states to remove these requirements. State policy-makers, like those in California, have come to realize that the physician involvement in AED programs is burdensome and may be a barrier to businesses buying AEDs, so they’ve removed some of the requirements originally imposed.

Additionally, to help organizations meet these AED requirements, AED manufacturers and distributors have come up with helpful medical oversight programs that can be provided with your office’s AED purchase. Though it might sound complicated, medical oversight is relatively straightforward.

AHA Step 2: Work with local EMS

Do you need this step?  No

Fire and EMS agencies are advocates for AED programs, and they should be able to answer any questions you might have. However, AEDs have become so popular that Fire and EMS involvement is no longer required when you’re getting an AED for your business.

In some states, AED owners need to “register” their AED with the local EMS agency, but we don’t feel that there’s an urgent need to contact EMS before buying an AED for your workplace.

AHA Step 3:  Choose an AED


There are many AEDs on the market that are suitable for a company’s or organization’s AED program. The American Heart Association does not recommend one device over another. Choose an AED that is simple and easy to use and an AED that is cleared by the FDA.

AHA Step 4: Contact Technical Support

Do you need this step?  No (if you buy the right AED!)


The American Heart Association’s recommendation to call an AED manufacturer’s technical support department before buying an AED likely stems from prior industry failures and AED recalls. An AED manufacturer’s ability to handle a recall is very important, but we recommend that you ascribe more value to how the AED gets updated.

Some AEDs are easy to update while others require special adaptors and laptops to manually update each unit. Here’s our analysis of the process for each AED to be upgraded.

Choosing an AED that is easy to update in the field eliminates this need to call technical support prior to purchasing.

AHA Step 5: Make Sure Program Support is Available

Do you need this step?  No


Program support is loosely defined as receiving help with “AED placement, medical authorization, registration, training, and supplies.”

As of 2020, all AED manufacturers and their authorized distributors can handle these services. Many of these services may not be required, and if they are, it’s possible that they’re included by the manufacturer for no charge.

While we believe that you should make sure that the manufacturer of your office AED is supportive, we don’t think you need to spend too much time on this step.

AHA Step 6:  Develop a Training Plan

Do you need this step?  Yes


CPR and AED training is important! We recommend you put a training program in place that regularly trains personnel on the type of AED units in your office.

Buying an AED that converts to a training device is a great way to avoid the added cost of buying a separate trainer and also ensures that you can train employees for years to come.

AHA Step 7:  Raise Awareness About the AED Program

Do you need this step?  Yes


Awareness of your program is vital. You never know who might need the AED or who might be required to use it, so broad awareness is crucial to the success of your program.

AHA Step 8: Implement an Ongoing Maintenance Program

Do you need this step?  Yes


If you purchased a “connected” AED, then your AED program maintenance is much easier than if you own less advanced devices.

At a minimum, you should know who is responsible for each AED at each location to make sure that all of your AEDs are ready to be used in a rescue. Additionally, consult your AED user manual for specific device maintenance instructions.


The Avive Connect AED™ Now Available