Best Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for Gyms and Sports

Best AED for
Gym & Sports

Finding the best Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for a gym or health club can feel overwhelming. First, it’s important to note that there is no “bad option” when purchasing an AED. All defibrillators work and will save lives.

That being said, there are certainly AED models that have features and capabilities best suited for the needs and budget of your gym, health club, or sports team.

AEDs for Gyms

Health Club AED Laws

Best AED for Gym & Sports

AED Placement for Gyms

Health Club AED Save Stories

Fitness Defibrillator Facts



Total Cost of Ownership

The thing about AEDs is that the “upfront cost” is not that last expense you’ll have to finance. Essential parts of the device like batteries and electrode pads can expire and must be periodically replaced. So rather than looking just at the sticker price, it is important to consider the real or Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

The TCO = the upfront purchase price + the cost of replacing expired parts over time

TCO for an AED

We know that gyms, fitness centers, and sports teams often operate with tight budgets, so be sure that the AED you purchase for your facility or organization is on the lower end of the TCO spectrum. This can save you a lot of money over time!

The Avive Connect AED® was designed to be a low Total Cost of Ownership device, meant to help ensure the proper maintenance of AEDs and encourage more AEDs in more communities. With Avive’s rechargeable battery, there are no AED batteries to buy, replace, or install–ever!

Need help securing funding for an AED? Here are some ideas.


Total Cost of Ownership


take into account initial AED purchase price, as well as the cost of any accessories needed to keep the device operable over time, and consider the cost of employee time that will be needed to manage the device(s).


Avive Connect AED®



Size & Weight

If you are involved with sports or athletics, you’re already lugging around a lot of gear. The last thing you probably want to add is a bulky, 6-pound box or AED.

Therefore, you’ll likely want to purchase the smallest and most lightweight device. Having a small, portable AED ensures that it’s actually brought to the places where it is needed, rather than sitting on a wall collecting dust.

For gyms and health clubs, there are also significant benefits to having a small and lightweight device. When Sudden Cardiac Arrest happens, you want to act fast. Every minute that a victim suffering SCA does not receive a shock from an AED, their chances of survival decreases by 7-10%. Having a small, light, and portable device makes it easier to retrieve quickly in an emergency.


Avive’s Mobile Responder Package was designed with athletic trainers and on-the-go responders in mind. In addition to the life-saving Avive Connect AED, the bundle includes everything you need to respond to a cardiac emergency, including a Hard Carrying Case, Rescue Kit, and an extra set of pads.

AED Weight & Size Comparison

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AED Model Weight (lbs) Approximate Volume (cubic inches)
Avive Connect AED2.192.219
Cardiac Science G36.6433.75
Cardiac Science G55.7361.08
Defibtech Lifeline4.2270.81
Defibtech Lifeline View3.0163.87
HeartSine (all models)2.4110.20
Philips HeartStart Onsite3.3110.20
Philips HeartStart FRx3.5149.95
Physio-Control LIFEPAK EXPRESS4.5319.20
Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR PLUS4.5319.20
Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR24.5365.26
ZOLL AED Plus6.7573.56


Size & Weight


Purchase the smallest and most lightweight AED possible.


Avive Connect AED®




All AED models need to be checked and maintained on a regular basis. Unfortunately, most AEDs don’t have any connectivity built-in. This means that, at least once a month, you must manually check the device to make sure it is ready for emergency. If an AED is not ready for emergency use, it cannot deliver a life-saving defibrillation shock to a patient in Sudden Cardiac Arrest. This failure to have a maintained AED can also hurt you, the AED owner, in terms of legal repercussions.

Manually checking AED devices every month can be a burden and is often ineffective. Maintenance is even more challenging and time consuming if you have multiple devices for your fitness center, gym, or sports league. Even if you have a regular AED maintenance schedule, the device can still become non-functional between those checks.

In the video above, Lyndsey Sellers, Director of Employee Training & Development for National Fitness Partners, speaks about the complexity of managing a large fleet of today’s AEDs in a health club environment.

A defibrillator with “connectivity” can help with all of this!

1 in 5 AEDs are not ready for an emergency – having connectivity will make sure that yours is!




Purchase an AED model that has connectivity features that allow for remote monitoring and maintenance of your device.


Avive Connect AED®



Pediatric Capabilities

All AEDs have the ability to deliver a life-saving defibrillation shock to both children and adults. For children under 55 pounds or between the ages of 1 and 8 years old, the shock is “attenuated” meaning that it is modified to a lower energy level. With most AEDs, you need to insert a separate set of pediatric electrode pads into the device to deliver this attenuated shock to a child. This can lead to burdensome costs and maintenance because you must:

  • Pay for the replacement of two sets of electrode pads when they expire
  • Keep track of both the adults pads AND the pediatric pads

For ease of use during an emergency and less burdensome maintenance, sports teams, gyms, and health clubs will greatly benefit from a defibrillator that has a pediatric button and universal electrode pads, like the Avive Connect AED does. With the Avive AED, simply pressing the Child button quickly switches the AED into the appropriate mode for the patient!

pediatric electrode pad placement

Learn more about why a pediatric button and universal electrode pad are better options.


Pediatric Capabilities


Purchase an AED that has a pediatric button and universal electrode pads.


Avive Connect AED®



Fully Automatic vs. Semi-Automatic:

  • Semi-automatic AEDs require that the user press a “shock button” to deliver a defibrillation shock to the patient
  • Fully-automatic defibrillators will automatically and safely deliver a shock to the patient if the device detects that the patient is in shockable heart rhythm

Purchasing a fully-automatic device can remove responder hesitation and error!

Delivering a shock to the patient will take less time if you do not need to “initiate” the shock yourself. With a fully-automatic AED, once the device has analyzed the patient’s heart rhythm and advised a life-saving shock, it will simply give the user a warning and then deliver the therapy.

All of the Avive Connect AEDs are fully automatic devices. Some brands make a semi-automatic AND fully automatic versions, so be sure you know which type of AED you’re purchasing before you buy.


Fully Automatic vs. Semi-Automatic


Purchase a fully automatic version of the AED model you choose.


Avive Connect AED®


Next: AED Placement for Gyms