District of Columbia
Public places with high occupancy limits are required to have AEDs in the District of Columbia. Good Samaritan protections are also granted for those who operate an AED in good faith.
Learn about D.C.'s limited AED legislation below.
Summary of Requirements
Good Samaritan Protection
DC ST § 44-233
Provides Good Samaritan protection for use of an AED and establishes guidelines for AED programs.
Laws / Legislation
DC ST § 44-232
Outlines instructions to ensure a comprehensive plan for training, certification, and credentialing of cardiac care providers in the use of AEDs.
Health clubs in D.C. must have at least one AED at on the premises at all times. They must make sure that at least one trained user (in CPR and AED) is present during business hours.
Installation of Automated External Defibrillators Amendment Act – AEDs shall be installed in each building accommodating more than 1,000 occupants, and in each building that is owned or occupied by the District or any agency of the District accommodating more than 100 persons.