← Overview


AEDs in Virginia are required in penitentiaries, doctors offices, fitness clubs, and, most recently, schools. High school students in Virginia are required to complete extensive first aid, CPR, and AED training in order to graduate, and good Samaritans who use an AED are protected by state law. 

Check out the details below.

Summary of Requirements

A licensed physician must supervise a new Automated External Defibrillator (AED) program that includes personnel training, local EMS coordination, protocol approval, AED deployment strategies, and equipment maintenance records.
CPR/AED Training
All users of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) are required to receive and complete training in CPR and in the use of AEDs in a course that is approved by the Board of Health.
EMS Notification
All Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) must be registered with the Board of Health.
Maintenance Program
An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) must be maintained and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s operational instructions and have a written record of each time these have been accomplished.
Notification of Use
No legislation is currently in place for Virginia.

Good Samaritan Protection

Property owner

VA Code § 8.01-225

Provides Good Samaritan protection for use of an AED and establishes guidelines for AED programs.

Laws / Legislation

VA Code § 59.1-296.2:2

An Act to amend and reenact § 59.1-296 of the Code of Virginia and to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 59.1-296.2:2, relating to Virginia Health Club Act; automated external defibrillators required in health clubs.

VA Code § 22.1-253.13:4

Beginning with first-time ninth grade students in the 2016-2017 school year, requirements for the standard and advanced diplomas shall include a requirement to be trained in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of AEDs, including hands-on practice of the skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

VA Code 6 § VAC 15.40.405

There shall be a minimum of one AED unit available in penitentiary facilities. All security staff shall receive training in the operation of the unit. This requirement provides for enhanced First Aid during a crisis medical situation.

VA Admin Code § 60-20-110

Outlines AED requirements for dental offices.

Senate Bill 1453

Requires public schools (including elementary schools) to have at least one AED on the premises and to develop a placement and maintenance plan for each.