← Overview


EMS notification requirements in Ohio promote the collaboration of local organizations and EMS agencies in the hopes of delivering better Sudden Cardiac Arrest outcomes.

Find a full list of Ohio’s AED requirements and Good Samaritan protections below.

Summary of Requirements

A licensed physician must be involved to ensure compliance.
CPR/AED Training
Once a person possesses an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) they must encourage expected users to complete a course on CPR and AED usage that is offered and approved by the American Heart Association or any other nationally recognized organization.
EMS Notification
Someone who owns or leases an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) must notify local EMS of the location of the AED.
Maintenance Program
The owner of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) must maintain and frequently test the AED according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Notification of Use
When an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is used, an EMS system must be activated as soon as possible.

Good Samaritan Protection

Property owner

OH Rev Code § 2305.235

Provides Good Samaritan protection for use of an AED and establishes guidelines for AED programs.

Laws / Legislation

OH Rev Code § 3313.6023

Outlines a comprehensive plan for training, certification, and credentialing of cardiac care providers in the use of AEDs.

OH Rev Code § 3313.6021

Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, each school operated by a school district which offers grades nine to twelve shall provide instruction in CPR and the use of an AED. All persons employed by a school district shall receive training in the use of an automated external defibrillator in accordance with that section.

OH Rev Code § 3314.16

Grants Good Samaritan protection for untrained users of AEDs.

OH Rev Code § 3313.717

Outlines AED requirements for schools.

OH Rev Code § 3701.85

Outlines instructions to ensure the public health and safety for a person that acquires an AED.

OH Senate Bill 252

Lindsay’s Law went into effect in 2017, and it requires all schools (public and non public) to educate parents and their student athletes on Sudden Cardiac Arrest before the student can participate in sports activities. (Typically by providing a signature on a form like this one). This law is designed to make students and their parents aware of the risk factors, warning signs, and treatment for cardiac arrest.

OH House Bill 47

Ohio public and charter schools require at least one AED on campus and it must be present during all sporting events. The House Bill also requires all schools to develop an emergency AED action plan so staff and coaches know how to respond to cardiac arrest. Training is recommended under this law but not required.