New York
New York has extensive laws in place to protect citizens in the event of a cardiac emergency by requiring many public places to have AEDs. Good Samaritan protections encourage bystander intervention and the use of an AED.
Below is a full list of the AED requirements in New York. Scroll on to see where AEDs are mandatory and who is in charge of procuring them.
Summary of Requirements
Good Samaritan Protection
NY Public Health Law § 3000-a
Provides Good Samaritan protection for use of an AED and establishes guidelines for AED programs.
Laws / Legislation
A8779 Code EDN 917-1
Louis’ Law requires all public (K-12) and charter schools have an AED on campus and the personnel trained in their use.
NY Codes Rules and Reg Art 12-C §220 – 228-C
An act to amend the general business law, and require Automated External Defibrillators at trampoline parks.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 8 NYCRR 61.10
Outlines AED requirements for dental offices.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.9
After the initial installation, a replacement schedule which considers the useful life of the AED units shall be developed by the State agency. The replacement schedule should be updated periodically.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.8
Provides steps that are to be followed by the AED coordinator upon responding to an emergency cardiac event.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.7
Outlines the responsibilities that are required to obtain an AED.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.6
Outlines instructions to ensure the public health and safety for a person that acquires an AED.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.5
Outlines responsibilities of AED coordinators and State Agencies.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.4
Outlines a comprehensive plan for training, certification, and credentialing of cardiac care providers in the use of AEDs.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.3
Subject to the phased-in implementation of AEDs, each State agency shall endeavor to have sufficient AEDs available at each of its public buildings to ensure ready access for use during emergencies.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.2
Outlines a comprehensive plan for training, certification, and credentialing of cardiac care providers in the use of AEDs.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.1
Defines: Automated External Defibrillator, Public Building, State Agency, Collaborative Agreement, Emergency Health Care Provider, Regional Emergency Medical Services Council, and Commissioner.
NY Codes Rules and Reg § 9 NYCRR 303.0
Provides the purpose of installation regulations.
NY Education Law § 917
Outlines AED requirements for school districts.
NY Public Health Law § 225
Outlines AED requirements for places of public assembly and swimming facilities.
NY Public Buildings Law § 140
Outlines AED requirements for buildings of the state.
NY Education Law § 6611
Outlines AED requirements for dental offices.
NY Public Health Law § 3000-b
Good Samaritan protection for UNTRAINED users.
NY Education Law § 804-d
Instructions regarding the correct use of an AED shall be included as a part of the health education curriculum in all senior high schools.
Requires all health clubs to have an AED and a CPR/AED certified employee on staff during business hours.
Requires all dental offices to have an AED on site and all dentists shall hold current CPR certification.
SR 827
A bill that encourages school districts to provide training for athletic coaches on AED use.
AB 8741
Amends immunity protection to include businesses, entities, partnerships, corporations, or societies.
NY Gen Business Law § 621
Defines: Contract for Services, Health Club, Secretary, Seller, Buyer, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Automated External Defibrillator.
NY Gen Business Law § 621 – a
Outlines AED requirements for health clubs.
Bill A744 and Senate Bill S5262
Requires certain health clubs to have at least one accessible AED onsite
Senate Bill S7424
Requires camps and youth sports programs (with five or more teams) to establish an AED implementation plan.