
Cost of Life report

The Cost of Life

“A nearly persistent vegetative state that will require full-time care for the remainder of his life.” This…

Revive Rebrands to Avive

Implementing a PAD Program

A comprehensive buyer’s guide to setting up a Public Access Defibrillation program. Please Implementing-a-PAD-Program to read full report.

Revive Rebrands to Avive

Introduction to SCA, AEDs, and PAD Programs

The report below will provide you with a brief introduction to understanding Sudden Cardiac Arrest, AEDS (automated…

Scholarship Winner Of Fall 2019

Congratulations To The Avive Scholarship Winner Of Fall 2019!

Class President, Head Drum Major of her school’s marching band, and a member of an all-girls acapella…

Revive Rebrands to Avive

AED Unit Upgrades

In order to keep AEDs in proper working condition and in keeping with regulatory requirements, AED manufacturers…

A Practice Every Athlete Needs

ECG Screening For Athletes: A Practice Every Athlete Needs

Athletes are required to eat only the most nutritious meals, exercise for hours at a time, sleep…

Why Is Maintenance of AED Important

AED with a Dead Battery Won’t Save Lives – AED Maintenance Tips

Imagine this It’s late, and weirdly quiet; the grocery store you’re at is about to close and…

The Simons Heart Foundation

Effective Ways Of Fundraising For AED by NGOs

Have you ever wondered why defibrillators are locked in those glass cabinets? Other than to protect it from the…

Revive Welcomes Summer Interns

Avive Welcomes Summer Interns!

For the first time ever, Avive Solutions is excited to welcome five incredible interns as they take…

AED Awareness In Schools

AED Awareness: 6 Ways To Promote AED Education in Schools

During Nick of Time Foundation’s recent high school ECG screening event in Seattle, we had the opportunity to…

Seeking Education After Tragedy - Matthew

Seeking Education After Tragedy

Matthew was a fit, active 16-year-old boy. He enjoyed school and loved sports, especially snowboarding and soccer….

AED at the gym with blurry background

The Life Saving Equipment Your Gym Needs

We all know that exercise is good for you; really good for you. Among many other benefits,…