Avive Connect AED Software Updates
From time to time, Avive releases software updates for your Avive Connect AED®. For the best performance, you should always ensure you are on the latest version of software.
To receive software updates, you should:
- Ensure your device is connected to Wi-Fi
- Ensure your device is charged
- Ensure your device is in a fully functional health state
- Ensure your REALConnect subscription is active
To prompt a software update, you can:
- Option 1: Your device will automatically check for any available software updates and install them during its nightly self-test, so long as your device is connected to Wi-Fi, charged, and in a fully functional health state.
- Option 2: Prompt the software update manually. To do so, ensure your device is connected to Wi-Fi, plugged in to a charger, and in a fully functional health state. Perform a status check on your device by pressing and holding the AED power button for 5 seconds. The device will verbally tell you its status, and will check for any available software updates in the background.
If you’re unsure whether you are on the latest software, contact our support team at 1 (800) 489-4428 or support@avive.life.