
AED incident data

In Pursuit of AED Incident Data: Nick Bogle’s Story

Nick Bogle’s Story I first have to say that my story has nothing to do with anything…

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What Are the Common Causes of Cardiac Arrest in Infants and Children?

Discover the causes of cardiac arrest in children and infants and how to prevent this life-threatening condition with our detailed article.

aed durable

AED IP Rating Explained: What Does IP Code Tell About AEDs

Deciphering AED features and deciding what device to purchase can be overwhelming. What are the most affordable…

first aid

Understanding First Aid Training & Its Importance

First aid training is designed to teach people the basic principles and techniques to provide immediate help…

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A Life Saved with the Avive AED® Ecosystem

Case Study The following blog discusses a cardiac arrest save with an Avive Connect AED® that happened…

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Understanding the Difference Between Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, and Stroke 

Cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke are three terms that are often used interchangeably despite the fact…

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Employee Spotlight: Spearheading Innovation with Jimy Pesin

In the realm of innovation, there are individuals who not only contribute to the advancement of technology…

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Carrollton, TX Becomes Fourth Community Partner in Avive’s 4 Minute City™ Program 

BRISBANE, CA, Feb. 26, 2024– Avive Solutions, Inc. announces the selection of Carrollton, Texas as the fourth…


February 2024: State AED Legislation & the Future of SCA Prevention

In recent years, states across the country have made efforts to improve Sudden Cardiac Arrest prevention and…


Addressing Cardiac Arrest in 2024: Highlights from the CSRC Think Tank & Heart to Heart

We’re not even through the first month of the new year, and we’ve already garnered enough motivation…

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5 Crucial Reasons Why You Need to Replace Your AED

As technology evolves and standards improve, there comes a time when all equipment needs to be replaced….

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Employee Spotlight: Cultivating Growth with Mike Wittmann

Mike Wittmann is one of our Account Executives who has lead many company-wide sales initiatives since mid…